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Game Proposal
How can the design of a digital video game be used to support players’ mental wellness? Can depression and anxiety coping mechanisms be used within video games? Can mini-games be curated to the player based on mental wellness?
Video games are often used as coping mechanisms for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc., but what if it went beyond that? Using aggregation and curation, a player may experience a game meant to reflect their mood and provide more coping mechanisms based on their mental wellbeing at any given time. This would allow players to cope in a fun and engaging way, encouraging them to do so as needed. It would also prompt players to use problem-solving skills when dealing with mental wellness.
Characters and Assets
All of the Non Playable Characters (NPCs) are meant to reflect a friendly atmosphere and offer help to the player through dialogue. The assets utilize a pixel art style and aid in movement throughout the game.
Table Platform
Table Platform
Grassy Wall
Grassy Wall
Snowy Grass Platform
Snowy Grass Platform
Dead Grass Platform
Dead Grass Platform
UI Elements
The ui elements are used to give the player direction and provide information relevant to the player's goal.
Interaction Indicator
Interaction Indicator
Brightness Counter
Brightness Counter
Title Screen
Title Screen
Control Screen
Control Screen
Win Screen
Win Screen
Coding with C# in Unity
The scripts in the game mainly control three different elements: player movement, Environment, and ui.
player movement: jumping, dashing, and teleporting.
Environment: falling platforms, changing scenes, parallaxing the background, and restarting upon death.
UI: dialogue, npc interactions, collecting the stardust, and changing the brightness counter.
Shown here are the Player controller, Teleport Indicator, and the brightness manager scripts. 
Video Walkthrough - Level One
Video Walkthrough - Levels 2 & 3
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